I Am Receiving Spam

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Acenet currently uses a three stage spam filtering process on all of our shared servers.

Barracuda Blacklist Database
Spam is rejected based on the Barracuda Blacklist database (BRBL) of known spammers. If a mail sender's IP address is listed in the database, all mail sent from them will be rejected at the SMTP level and will not even reach your inbox. All links within emails are also resolved to their IP address and checked against the BRBL.

Spamassassin is installed on all shared servers to help filter out the most obvious spam. You must enable this from within cPanel under Mail -> Apache SpamAssassin.
How to Enabled Apache SpamAssassin

cPanel Email Filters
Email filters allow you to specify mail filters for accepting/rerouting/rejecting mail. If you receive an excess of spam, you can set up filters to automatically catch the spam based on a given rule.
Creating an Email Filter

SpamExperts is a premium mail filtering service that can be purchased through Acenet. It easy to use and requires very little configuration needed to get started. The default settings have been optimized for the best filtering performance. Acenet uses SpamExperts on all of its corporate email accounts and has proven itself an exceptional tool against spam.
SpamExperts can be purchased here:
Order Spam Experts

Spam prevention is a constant balancing act, juggling the blocking of spam with the receipt of legitimate mail. In the end, only the end user really knows what is and is not spam. We do our best to block the majority of unwanted email. If the amount of spam is still excessive, there are several third-party spam filtering services available on the internet. For instance, you can set your email to be filtered by GMail.

GMail Email Filtering