How to Install cPanel

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Before installing cPanel, we recommend your server be partitioned appropriately. The default partitioning scheme for Virtual Servers is sufficient. Acenet has a recommended partitioning scheme for Dedicated Servers. cPanel should only be installed on a fresh, clean Operating System. Once your server has the appropriate partitioning and has been licensed for cPanel, follow the below steps for installation.

[1] Login to your server as the root user via SSH.

[2] Run the following commands to install cPanel: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> systemctl stop NetworkManager systemctl disable NetworkManager iptables -F service iptables save mkdir /home/cpins cd /home/cpins yum -y install wget perl screen wget -N sh latest </syntaxhighlight>

[3] Once the installation has completed you can login to WHM as the root user using the following URL:

You'll need to replace with your server's main IP. For example if your server's main IP is, then you would use the following URL:

[4] If you receive a license warning upon first logging in to WHM, run the following command from SSH as the root user to update your license:

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt </syntaxhighlight>

Additional Information

Not sure what to do after you have finished installing cPanel? We have a cPanel Beginner's Guide here:

CPanel Beginner's Guide