Can I create a catch-all email address?

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Catch-all email addresses are disabled by default on all of our shared servers because of the large amount of spam they tend to receive. You can create catch-all functionality by following these steps.....

1) You would login to your cPanel and create an email account for [email protected] (or whatever email address you want).

Here is our knowlegdebase article on how to create an email account through your cPanel:

Creating an Email Account

2) Then, you would create multiple email forwarders for other email addresses to be forwarded to your [email protected] email account.


[email protected] -> [email protected]

[email protected] -> [email protected]

[email protected] -> [email protected]


Here is our knowledgebase article on how to create an email forwarder:

Adding an Email Forwarder

Then, to check your email, you would use the following information:

username: [email protected]
password: password for your [email protected] email account