How can I change a MySQL user's password

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There is not a way to change a MySQL user's password through cPanel. You need to delete the MySQL user and then recreate it with the new password. Here is how you delete a MySQL user through cPanel: 1) Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section. 2) Locate the MySQL user you're wanting to delete under the 'Current Users' section. 3) Click the delete icon Delete to the right of the MySQL user you're wanting to delete. 4) Click the Delete User button. Here is how you create a MySQL user through cPanel: 1) Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section. (if you're not already there) 2) Under the 'Add New User' section, fill in the following fields:

  • Username [your MySQL user will always be prepended with your cPanel username]
  • Password [or use the Password Generator, it will fill in the 'Password' and 'Password (Again) fields]
  • Password (Again)

3) Click the Create User button. The last thing to do is assign the MySQL user to the appropriate database(s). Acenet does suggest to have a different MySQL user for each of your databases for security reasons. Here is how you assign a MySQL user to a database: 1) Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section. (if you're not already there) 2) Under the 'Add User To Database' section, select your MySQL user from the 'User' drop down. 3) Select the database you want to assign the MySQL user to from the 'Database' drop down. 4) Click the Add button. 5) Select the privileges you want the MySQL user to have. 6) Click the Make Changes button.