How can I change a MySQL user's password

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There is not a way to change a MySQL user's password through cPanel. You need to delete the MySQL user and then recreate it with the new password.

Deleting a MySQL user through cPanel

[1] Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section.

[2] Locate the MySQL user you're wanting to delete under the 'Current Users' section.

[3] Click the delete icon to the right of the MySQL user you're wanting to delete.

[4] Click the button.

Create a MySQL user through cPanel

[1] Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section. (if you're not already there)

[2] Under the 'Add New User' section, fill in the following fields:

  • Username: [your MySQL user will always be prepended with your cPanel username]
  • Password: [or use the , it will fill in the 'Password' and 'Password (Again) fields]

[3] Click the button.

The last thing to do is assign the MySQL user to the appropriate database(s). Acenet does suggest to have a different MySQL user for each of your databases for security reasons.

Assign a MySQL User to a Database

[1] Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon under the 'Databases' section. (if you're not already there)

[2] Under the 'Add User To Database' section, select your MySQL user from the 'User' drop down.

[3] Select the database you want to assign the MySQL user to from the 'Database' drop down.

[4] Click the button.

[5] Select the privileges you want the MySQL user to have.

[6] Click the button.