How to check the APF firewall to see if your IP is Blocked

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How to check the APF firewall to see if your IP is blocked:

1. Login to server via SSH

2. Following command will open your APF firewalls list of blocked IP's. Command:

pico /etc/apf/deny_hosts.rules

3. Now hit CTRL + W to search the list

4. Paste the IP in to the "search" field that appears after hitting CTRL+W and hit "Enter"

5. If the IP is within the APF firewall, it will be highlighted when you hit "Enter" (It will also tell you the reason for the block)

You will see something similar to:

# added on 02/02/13 12:36:01 with comment: {bfd.pure-ftpd}

(This line, {bfd.pure-ftpd}, means that the IP was blocked for to many failed login attemps at FTP)

6. Now hit CTRL + X to close the APF Firewall block list and get back to the command line