Dealing with PHP 5.3 Deprecated Errors

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Acenet takes pride in providing you with the latest service and application versions available. This allows us to ensure the best security, performance, functionality, and features available. With this in mind, we are upgrading the PHP version on our shared servers from 5.2.x to 5.3.x.

Moving to 5.3 is a major change in PHP when it comes to backwards compatibility. Our team has reviewed most of the common scripts and the change should be unnoticeable when using them. If you are unsure if the script you have is compatible with PHP 5.3, you will want to contact the script developer.

For older scripts, you may see some errors come up on your site that were not present before the PHP upgrade. We suggest to first upgrade your script to its most recent release. Upgrading your script to its latest version will likely resolve any errors you're receiving as a result of the PHP upgrade. If upgrading your script does not resolve the error(s) you're receiving, you will want to research further into these errors to find their actual cause or you can contact the script developer for assistance.

Here's a tip, you can actually hide the errors being displayed on your site while you're working on resolving them. You can add these lines of code to a custom php.ini file in your account:

error_reporting = E_ALL  and  ~E_NOTICE  and  ~E_DEPRECATED

display_errors = Off

log_errors = Off
The lines provided above do not resolve the error(s) you're receiving, they simply hide them on your site.

If you're not sure how to create a custom php.ini file, you can view our knowledgebase article on how to do so here:

How can I change PHP settings?