Creating an Email AutoResponder

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This demo will show you how to create a email AutoResponder through your cPanel. Auto Responders allow you to set automatic answers for email accounts. For example, your customers can receive a confirmation that their inquiry has been received or if you go on vacation you can inform your friends that you are not available at the moment.

[1] Locate and click the "Auto Responder" icon located under the Email Managment tools section of your cPanel

[2] Locate and click the "Add AutoResponder" button

[3] Enter the email address you would like the auto responder in the email field.

[4] Enter the email address you would like the email to appear its from in the "From" field

[5] Enter the subject of the AutoResponce in the "Subject" field

[6] If the body of your email will contain HTML, tick mark the HTML message box.

[7] enter the body of the AutoRespones in the "Body" field

[8] Click the "Create/Modify" button to create your AutoResponder

Related Topics

Modifying an Email AutoResponder

Removing an Email AutoResponder