Can I change my cPanel username?

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Acenet generally suggests not changing your hosting account's username because doing so will cause 100% of the scripts you have installed to break. Since scripts rely on the MySQL user you've configured to properly operate and the MySQL username is prefixed with your cPanel username, changing your cPanel username will require updating your website's script's configuration files to reconnect to the database. The following changes are made on the server when a hosting account's username is changed:

  • Username is changed
  • Directory where your files are located is changed to reference the new username
  • Database names and users are changed because all database names and users are prefixed with your cPanel username

All of your scripts will need to be re-configured to use the new username because of the change in directory and database names/users if you decide to have your cPanel username changed. This is sometimes as simple as modifying a single configuration file but some scripts may require numerous files to be modified. If you're not sure how much work will be involved with your cPanel username being changed, Acenet suggests contacting your webmaster.

If you're a shared hosting client with Acenet and would like to proceed with having your cPanel username changed, simply request it to be changed at our Helpdesk

Please be sure you've understood the effects of changing your cPanel username before submitting a username change request.