Automate MySQL Database Backup via Cronjob

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Automating a MySQL Database backup in cPanel is a two step process.

Create the cron entry in cPanel

You will need to know your Database Username and Database Password in order to configure the backup.

1) Log into your cPanel

2) Go to Advanced -> Cron Jobs

3) Enter the email you wish to email the results of the cron job to.

4) Scroll down a bit, and either select a common setting (Once a day, once a week, etc) from the drop down. or enter a custom entry for days, weeks, months, etc.

5) For the command to run, enter the following:

date=`date -I`; /usr/bin/mysqldump -uDBUSERNAME -pPASSWORD dbname > /home/CPANELUSERNAME/FILE_NAME_HOME_DIRECTORY$date.sql

Configure the Log rotation