How to install a script using Softaculous

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[1] Click on the icon with the 'Software/Services' section of your cPanel.

[2] Select the script you're wanting to install.

[3] Choose your protocol from the 'Choose Protocol' drop down.

[4] Choose the domain you're wanting to install the script on from the 'Choose Domain' drop down.

[5] Specify the directory you're wanting to install the script into in the 'In Directory' text field.

[6] Specify the site's name in the 'Site Name' text field. (if applicable....the name of the field might be board, wiki, or something related to the type of script you're installing)

[7] Enter the site's description in the 'Site Description' text field.

[8] Change the 'Admin Username' to something other than admin or Admin because those are too common of usernames that make it easier for a hacker to brute force.

[9] Specify a secure password in the 'Admin Password' text field.

[10] Specify the admin email address in the 'Admin Email' text field.

[11] Select your language from the 'Select Language' drop down.

[12] Click the ‎ button.