CPanel Virus Scanner

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If you suspect that you have infected site files, or you just want to do periodic scans, cPanel has a built-in Virus Scanner. This virus scanner can scan your website files and your email.

Here is how to scan your site files and email for infected files through cPanel:

[1] Log in to your cPanel account.

[2] Under Advanced, click on Virus Scanner.

[3] Choose what you would like to scan, Email or Public Web Space, and then click Scan Now.

[4] During the scan, you can follow the progress and see if there are any infected files.

If there are no infected files, you will be told that no virus was found.

[5] If there are infected files, you will be told how many. Click Ok.

[6] You will then be asked what you would like to do with the files: Quarantine, Destroy, Ignore

[7] You can go through each file and choose what you would like to do for that file, or you can scroll to the bottom and select all under your choice.

[8] Once you have selected what you would like to do, click on Process Cleanup.

Once the cleanup is processed, you can go back and do another scan if you wish.
If you have any questions or need assistance with running the virus scan, you can open a Technical Support ticket through your Client Area.