Unable to generate a full account backup
All of Acenet's shared servers are configured so that accounts cannot generate full account backups under the following conditions:
Account already has an existing backup within its directory
Download the already existing full account backup (if you need it) and then delete it from your user directory on the server. Acenet suggests using FTP to download/delete the backup file. Backup files are stored within your root directory:
Replacing USERNAME with your account's actual username
You can view our knowledgebase articles on how to configure some popular FTP clients here:
The account is greater than 10GB in size
Download the content you need backed up via FTP or delete some content to free up space so that you can generate the full account backup. You can view our knowledgebase articles on how to configure some popular FTP clients here:
To backup a database, you can generate a backup of any of your databases through your cPanel. You can view our knowledgebase article on how to do so here:
To backup your emails, you will want to connect to your email account(s) from an email client (Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.) and use the email client to backup your emails. You can view our knowledgebase articles on how to configure some popular email clients here: