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(Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> #!/usr/bin/perl -w # =head1 NAME httptop - display top(1)-like per-client HTTP access stats =head1 SYNOPSIS httptop [-f <format>] [-r <refre...")
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Revision as of 14:56, 12 December 2012

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME 

httptop - display top(1)-like per-client HTTP access stats


httptop [-f <format>] [-r <refresh_secs>] [-b <backtrack_lines>] <logdir | path_to_log>


use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use File::Tail (  );
use Term::ReadKey;
use Getopt::Std;

use strict;

### Defaults you might be interested in adjusting.

my $Update = 2; # update every n secs
my $Backtrack = 250; # backtrack n lines on startup
my @Paths = qw(

my $Log_Format = "combined";
my %Log_Fields = (
combined => [qw/ Host x x Time URI Response x Referer Client /],
vhost => [qw/ VHost Host x x Time URI Response x Referer Client /]

### Constants & other thingies. Nothing to see here. Move along.

my $Version = "0.4.1";

sub by_hits_per (  ) { $b->{Rate} <=> $a->{Rate} }
sub by_total (  ) { $b->{Total} <=> $a->{Total} }
sub by_age (  ) { $a->{Last} <=> $b->{Last} }

my $last_field = "Client";
my $index = "Host";
my $show_help = 0;

my $order = \&by_hits_per;
my $Help = "htlwufd?q";
my %Keys = (
h => [ "Order by hits/second" => sub { $order = \&by_hits_per } ], 
t => [ "Order by total recorded hits" => sub { $order = \&by_total } ],
l => [ "Order by most recent hits" => sub { $order = \&by_age } ],
w => [ "Show remote host" => sub { $index = "Host" } ],
u => [ "Show requested URI" => sub { $index = "URI" } ],
f => [ "Show referring URL" => sub { $index = "Referer" } ],
d => [ "Show referring domain" => sub { $index = "Domain" } ],
'?' => [ "Help (this thing here)" => sub { $show_help++ } ],
q => [ "Quit" => sub { exit } ]

my @Display_Fields = qw/ Host Date URI Response Client Referer Domain /;
my @Record_Fields = qw/ Host URI Referer Domain /;
my $Max_Index_Width = 50;
my $Initial_TTL = 50;

my @Months = qw/ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Nov Dec /;
my %Term = (
HOME => "\033[H",
CLS => "\033[2J",
START_TITLE => "\033]0;", # for xterms etc.
END_TITLE => "\007",
START_RV => "\033[7m",
END_RV => "\033[m"

my ( %hist, %opt, $spec );

$SIG{INT} = sub { exit };
END { ReadMode 0 };

### Subs.

sub refresh_output 
my ( $cols, $rows ) = GetTerminalSize;
my $show = $rows - 3; 
my $count = $show;
my $now = (shift || time);

for my $type ( values %hist ) {
for my $peer ( values %$type ) {
# if ( --$peer->{_Ttl} > 0 ) {
my $delta = $now - $peer->{Start};
if ( $delta >= 1 ) {
$peer->{ Rate } = $peer->{ Total } / $delta;
} else {
$peer->{ Rate } = 0

$peer->{ Last } = int( $now - $peer->{ Date } );
# } else {
# delete $type->{$peer}
# }

$count = scalar( values %{$hist{$index}} ) - 1 if $show >= scalar values %{$hist{$index}};
my @list = ( sort $order values %{$hist{$index}} )[ 0 .. $count ];

my $first = 0;
$first = ( $first <= $_ ? $_ + 1 : $first ) for map { $_ ? length($_->{$index}) : 0 } @list;
$first = $Max_Index_Width if $Max_Index_Width < $first;

print $Term{START_TITLE}, "Monitoring $spec at: ", scalar localtime, $Term{END_TITLE} if $ENV{TERM} eq "xterm"; # UGLY!!!

my $help = "Help/?";
my $head = sprintf( "%-${first}s %6s %4s %4s %s (%d total)", 
$index, qw{ Hits/s Tot Last }, $last_field, 
scalar keys %{$hist{$index}}

# Truncate status line if need be
$head = substr($head, 0, ($cols - length($help)));
print @Term{"HOME", "START_RV"}, $head, " " x ($cols - length($head) - length($help)), $help, $Term{END_RV}, "\n";

for ( @list ) {
# $_->{_Ttl}++;

my $line = sprintf( "%-${first}s %6.3f %4d %3d %s", 
substr( $_->{$index}, 0, $Max_Index_Width ), @$_{(qw{ Rate Total Last }, $last_field)} );
if ( length($line) > $cols ) {
substr( $line, $cols - 1 ) = "";
} else {
$line .= " " x ($cols - length($line));
print $line, "\n";

print " " x $cols, "\n" while $count++ < $show;

sub process_line
my $line = shift;
my $now = ( shift || time );
my %hit;

chomp $line;
@hit{@{$Log_Fields{$Log_Format}}} = grep( $_, split( /"([^"]+)"|\[([^]]+)\]|\s/o, $line ) );

$hit{ URI } =~ s/HTTP\/1\S+//gos;

$hit{ Referer } = "<unknown>" if not $hit{Referer} or $hit{Referer} eq "-";
( $hit{Domain} = $hit{Referer} ) =~ s#^\w+://([^/]+).*$#$1#os;

$hit{ Client } ||= "<none>";
$hit{ Client } =~ s/Mozilla\/[\w.]+ \(compatible; /(/gos;
$hit{ Client } =~ s/[^\x20-\x7f]//gos;

# if $now is negative, try to guess how old the hit is based on the time stamp.
if ( $now < 0 ) {
my @hit_t = ( split( m![:/\s]!o, $hit{ Time } ))[ 0 .. 5 ];
my @now_t = ( localtime )[ 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 0 ];
my @mag = ( 3600, 60, 1 );

# If the hit didn't parse right, or didn't happen today, the hell with it.
return unless $hit_t[2] == ( $now_t[2] + 1900 )
and $hit_t[1] eq $Months[ $now_t[1] ]
and $hit_t[0] == $now_t[0];

splice( @hit_t, 0, 3 ); 
splice( @now_t, 0, 3 );

# Work backward to the UNIX time of the hit.
$now = time;
$now -= (shift( @now_t ) - shift( @hit_t )) * $_ for ( 3600, 60, 1 );

$hit{ Date } = $now;

for my $field ( @Record_Fields ) {
my $peer = ( $hist{$field}{$hit{$field}} ||= { Start => $now, _Ttl => $Initial_TTL } );
@$peer{ @Display_Fields } = @hit{ @Display_Fields };
$peer->{ Total }++;

sub display_help {
my $msg = "httptop v.$Version";
print @Term{qw/ HOME CLS START_RV /}, $msg, $Term{END_RV}, "\n\n";
print " " x 4, $_, " " x 8, $Keys{$_}[0], "\n" for ( split "", $Help );
print "\nPress any key to continue.\n";

### Init.

getopt( 'frb' => \%opt );

$Backtrack = $opt{b} if $opt{b};
$Update = $opt{r} if $opt{r};
$Log_Format = $opt{f} if $opt{f};
$spec = $ARGV[0];

die <<End unless $spec and $Log_Fields{$Log_Format};
Usage: $0 [-f <format>] [-r <refresh_secs>] [-b <backtrack_lines>] <logdir | path_to_log>
Valid formats are: @{[ join ", ", keys %Log_Fields ]}.

for ( @Paths ) {
last if -r $spec;
( $spec = $_ ) =~ s/%/$ARGV[0]/gos;
die "No access_log $ARGV[0] found.\n" unless -r $spec;

my $file = File::Tail->new( 
name => $spec, 
interval => $Update / 2, 
maxinterval => $Update,
tail => $Backtrack,
nowait => 1
) or die "$spec: $!";

my $last_update = time;
my ( $line, $now );

# Backtracking.
while ( $Backtrack-- > 0 ) {
last unless $line = $file->read;
process_line( $line, -1 );
$file->nowait( 0 );

ReadMode 4; # Echo off.
print @Term{"HOME", "CLS"}; # Home & clear.

### Main loop.

while (defined( $line = $file->read )) {
$now = time;

process_line( $line, $now );

while ( $line = lc ReadKey(-1) ) {
$show_help = 0 if $show_help;
$Keys{$line}[1]->(  ) if $Keys{$line};

if ( $show_help == 1 ) {
$show_help++; # Don't display help again.
} elsif ( $now - $last_update > $Update and not $show_help ) {
$last_update = $now;
refresh_output( $now ); 

__END_  _